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Everything to know about Partial Nephrectomy


Nephrectomy are generally of two types; partial and radical nephrectomy. In partial nephrectomy, rather than removing the whole kidney, only a specific portion of kidney is taken out. This is done in order to remove the diseased or hurt part of the kidney. A reconstruction procedure is certainly required after this nephrectomy surgery. While performing this surgery, your surgeon aims at preserving as much functionality of the kidneys as possible. This is done by cautiously removing the affected side of the kidney only. It is important to do this because no other form of artificial or even transplanted kidney can come close to the efficiency of the natural kidney.

What are the ways through which partial nephrectomy can be performed?

An open form of this nephrectomy is only suggested unspecific conditions of the patient. As this form of nephrectomy surgery requires large incisions to be made in the major part of your abdomen, it must be made sure by your surgeon to only perform it when there is condition as serious as having a huge tumor growth on the kidney

Other than open surgery, partial nephrectomy is generally performed through laparoscopy. The key advantage of this form of surgery is its nature of being minimally invasive. Even through more than 3 incisions can be required to perform this surgery, these cuts are insignificant in diameter when compared to the incisions of open surgery. Through of the laparoscopic cuts an instrument called the laparoscope is inserted which guides the instruments inserted through remaining cuts.

What are the conditions for which partial nephrectomy is needed?

Partial nephrectomy is a treatment option for the degrading kidney affected by one of the following conditions:

  • Tumor on the kidney
  • Severe infection in the kidney
  • Tissue scarring from kidney stone damage
  • Sports or other form of kidney injury
  • Genetic defects
  • Decreased circulation to the kidney causing function problems

What are the guidelines to follow before nephrectomy?

It is important to have an extensive discussion with your doctor about the suitable form of nephrectomy surgery for you. Different evaluation processes are done to know the exact origin and severity of the underlying condition causing of kidney cancer. Apart from an open and laparoscopic surgery, your doctor will also evaluate you for robotic form of this nephrectomy. In this discussion you must be open about the drugs you are taken even if they are without prescription. It is important to make your health care professional aware about medicine, especially painkillers, vitamins, supplementation, blood thinning medication. Also, you must nor rely on anyone suggestion, other than your doctor, to stop the intake of your daily medicines. Any form of allergic reactions associated with drugs, chemical products, food products and rubber materials must be included when you share the information with your doctor.

You have to follow a specific diet before the surgery. This will also include the specific timings to ways to have your food and fluids. Generally you may be advised to stop taking food or water one night before the partial nephrectomy surgery

The type of nephrectomy suitable for you, if you are suffering from kidney tumors, depends upon the size and location of that tumor. In general, laparoscopic or robotic nephrectomy is suggested for small tumors and open partial nephrectomy is done for larger ones. 

What should you expect after surgery?

The initial part after thus surgery is to wrap your stitches which something like a bandage to prevent this location from contracting infections. After that the removed part of your kidney is sent for examination. You will be put in the most appropriate posture and then your anesthesia is stopped. You will regain your consciousness after a while. However your senses may still feel strange initially. Meanwhile, it is likely and good for you to be taken out from the theatre into the room where you will recover. Your pain management procedure will start just after you regain your awake. Your intensity of pain will proportionally depend upon the type of surgery performed on you. Generally, you will feel nausea due to the exposure to the anesthesia

When it comes to intake anything from the mouth after this surgery, you will be put on a liquid diet for at least one day as it will aid your through recovery. After certain period of recover, you will be advised to start eating normal food gradually

In order to help your blood to circulate, your caretakers will assist in making you stand out of the bed and slowly walk. Circulation helps in the function regaining after nephrectomy surgery. Moreover, it is also suggested to prevent certain complications of the surgery. You will only be discharged from the hospital when your surgeon and examiner feel confident about your recovery after the removal of catheter. You must not drive yourself after discharge rather a close member of your family or friends do it. Your recovery will continue at home.


If you are being advised to undergo a partial nephrectomy, you must not panic. It is way better than being suggested a radical removal of kidney. Then afterwards if your doctor decides to perform a laparoscopic nephrectomy for the removal of a portion of your kidney, you should know that this is even more good news for you. This is because the laparoscopic form of this nephrectomy surgery is as efficient as open surgery with the perks of being less invasive and less painful. To help you guide and choose the best partial nephrectomy procedure for you, your healthcare provider must have an experience with robotic as well as open surgery. Get in touch with us for the best urological advice related to the matter of your nephrectomy by Dr. Saket Narnoli.

What is a partial nephrectomy?

A partial nephrectomy is a surgical procedure that removes part of the kidney. This type of surgery is usually performed to treat tumors or other abnormalities in the kidney.

What are the benefits of a partial nephrectomy?

The benefits of a partial nephrectomy include preserving kidney function, reducing the risk of future kidney problems, and avoiding the need for dialysis.

What are the risks of a partial nephrectomy?

The risks of a partial nephrectomy may include infection, bleeding, injury to the surrounding organs, and a reaction to the anesthesia.

How long is the recovery process?

The recovery process can vary depending on the individual, but typically it takes several weeks to a few months to fully recover.