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What Causes Foamy Urine?

What Causes Foamy Urine

Foamy urine can be a startling sight, often raising concerns about what it might signify. While occasional foamy urine is usually harmless, persistent or frequent foaminess could indicate an underlying health issue. In this blog, we’ll explore the possible causes of foamy urine, how it relates to urinary health, and when it’s important to consult a urologist like Dr. Saket Narnoli, a leading urologist in Dhanbad.

What is Foamy Urine?

Foamy urine appears bubbly or frothy, much like the foam on the surface of a freshly poured beer. The foam occurs when urine hits the toilet water with enough force to create bubbles. In most cases, these bubbles can burst rather quickly. But if foam is not disappearing, then this might signify that something bad is going on in your body.

Foam in the urine is seen in many people going through day-to-day lives, caused by common factors.

The contamination of the urine with foam may be due to the following causes which can be harmless or life-threatening:


Deficiency in fluids which is probably the commonest and innocuous cause of the foaminess of the urine. When one is heavily supervised, that is after taking too much water the urine formed is diluted and does not easily form foam while if one is not well hydrated, the urine formed contains a lot of waste products in it and is therefore easily foamed. This type of foam normally disappears or rather washes off once you have wet the surface or in other words, when you have applied water on the face.

What to do:
If you see the urine is foamy and you feel possibly dehydrated, drink more liquids, preferably water. If foaminess reduces in response to increased fluid intake, then there is normally nothing to worry about.

Rapid Urination

It may also be possible to note foam in urine because the ability to pee rather quickly and with considerable force. If you have a full bladder the force that the urine will have when hitting the water on the bowl can develop bubbles. This is commonly a reversible condition, which does not pose a significant risk to the patient’s well-being.

What to do:
It will be advisable to try and ease your bladder as often as possible to prevent a violent ejection of urine. It is advisable to see the doctor and explain the situation in details, but if the foaminess is occasional and directly proportional to the rate of urination, then, it is not serious at all.

Presence of Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)

Foamy urine is also caused by proteinuria, which is the presence of protein in urine; however, this is serious. Maybe, giant globular proteins as albumin should not be present in urine heavy amounts. But when the kidneys are damaged they also cannot filter protein from the blood and thus this appears in the urine as foam.

Foamy urine or proteinuria is one of the first indications of the presence of kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or any other condition that affects the kidneys.

What to do:
In any case, if the presence of a foam continues, the client should address a doctor. If the client is suffering from proteinuria due to an underlying urological problem, such as Urologist for kidney stones, the recommended urologist Dr. Saket Narnoli can perform a detailed diagnosis of the problem.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections are also known to be the possible causes that lead to foamy urine. Sometimes the nature of the urine is changed by some infections that result in formation of bubbles when the urine is discharged or when it is left to be in contact with the air for some time it forms foam. Although, it is even more probable if you also feel a burning sensation during urine, if you often need to urinate, or if your urine is cloudy.

What to do: If one experiences any of the above symptoms or thinks he or she might be suffering from a UTI, they should  have Urologist consultation. Urinary tract infections, although in some cases can be treated with antibiotics, if treated early, complications can be avoided. People seek medical help for conditions such as Dr. Saket Narnoli treating Dhanbad.

Retrograde Ejaculation

In men, this condition of retrograde ejaculation causes the urine to look foamy. This condition presents when during ejaculation semen fills the bladder rather than coming out through the urethra. It can therefore make the urine to become slightly cloudy or rather to froth a lot due to the presence of these areas of low concentration.

Retrograde ejaculation may occur if a man takes certain medications or if surgery has been done and is commonly not dangerous. But if it does raise an issue, then one should speak with a urologist.

When Should You Seek Urologist Consultation?

While it is perfectly normal for once in a while to see foam in the urine, if the urine is frothy all the time, it is advised to consult a health practitioner. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to see a Urologist consultation:

Persistent Foaminess:
Foam that constantly appears in the urine no matter if it is for instance for several days or weeks should be a reason for one to consult a doctor. Prolonged generation of the foam might be because of issues for example kidney diseases or some of the other complications.

Accompanying Symptoms:
Besides, if you have others symptoms like you will found your hands or your feet are swollen; if you have high blood pressure; if you have changes in your urine habits; or if you have pain while passing urine, please go and see the urologist on the next day.

Visible Blood in Urine:
The repeat of hematuria, that is the passage of blood in urine in conjunction with the formation of foam on the urine is a reason for an early visit to the doctor.

Treatment Options

The treatment for foamy urine depends on the underlying cause:Foamy urine treatment will therefore require one to seek treatment on the cause of the foaminess of the urine as shown below.

You should ingest more water and other fluids.

In the case of Urinary Tract Infections ,especially when it reaches the kidneys, the common treatment that is given to the patient is an antibiotic. If high blood pressure is the cause or if diabetes is harming the kidneys, you may be given medicine for this.

Dietary Changes:
If there is mild compromise in terms of conditions of the kidney, there can be scenario revelations of syndrome in respect of which change in diets may be prescribed aiming at managing the tasks that may be prescribed on the Kidney.


Bright or cloudy urine is actually something that may cause fear, but knowing the details on the effects and when to seek medical advice , definitely does help. Therefore, whenever the foamy urine is as a result of frequent urinating due to dehydration or any other minor cause, then it may not be a cause of worry, but if the problem is frequent then one may be having kidney disease, Urinary Tract Infections  or probably is suffering from proteinuria.